Bright Ideas...
For a long time, the phenomenon of phosphorescence has occupied a central place in my work. My art pieces are transformed according to the variations of light and react with the environment. Beyond the promise of a luminous revelation, it is the process of transformation over time that interests me the most.
Browse the many sections of my site to discover my works which, as you will see, take several forms: paintings, installations, and also my mail art project which has been part of my research for more than twenty-five years already!
Do not hesitate to write to me, I will read your comments and answer your questions with pleasure!
Current projects...
Tramer l’espace : an installation presented at la Nuit blanche parisienne on june 1st 2024
As part of the Nuit blanche parisienne, the installation Tramer l’espace, an in situ piece on which I have been working for almost a year, has be presented on June 1, 2024. An installation proposed by the Maison de l’architecture Ile-de-France, in partnership with Hénéo – Résidence des Récollets, the Regional Council and the Order of Architects of Ile-de-France. Tramer l’espace was supported by the Programme de résidences internationales Ville de Paris aux Récollets
Mail art workshops in schools: feedback on the Parisian experience Here is a video that presents an overview of some workshops that I offered in 3 Parisian colleges. Thank you to all those who have, directly or indirectly, contributed to the success of this project, especially the teachers and students! Your welcome was heartening!
Mail art workshop at the Musée de La Poste in Paris!
I had a lot of fun leading mail art workshops at the Musée de La Poste as part of the Journées européennes du Patrimoine in Paris. Here is a video that tells the story of the workshop offered on September 18, 2022.
A site in constant evolution!
The Archives section of my site is growing! I have just uploaded a new section dedicated to works created around the game of Monopoly. Get into the habit of regularly visiting my site to discover, among other things, the most recent mailing delivered to subscribers.

A Studio open to visitors
For me, the studio is a welcoming place to meet and exchange. And so, it is always with pleasure that I receive visitors. Would you like to live the experience of phosphorescence in real life? Just email , and I will make time for a visit.
Mail art Retrospective
The first retrospective mustering 25 years of mail art production was held at the Maison de la culture Janine-Sutto from November 19, 2020 to April 1, 2021. Visit the section dedicated to the POSTEZ L’ART ! event, which included an exhibition, a residency and cultural mediation activities!
Phosphorescence: a technique developed over time.
To learn a little more about the technique I have developed over the years with phosphorescence, watch this video made by Marc-André Barsalou in my studio a few years ago to music signed by Geneviève Toupin.